Response format: (1) not at all true, (2) barely true, (3) moderately true, (4) exactly true
This test may only be used by scientists or for private purpose.
Collective self–efficacy deals with a group's beliefs in its competence for successful action, similar to an individual’s belief in his or her competence (see also: General Self–Efficacy scale and Teacher Self–Efficacy scale). A group of teachers, for example, can believe in the faculty’s capacities to cope successfully with stressful events that challenge the group as a whole. Thus, collective self–efficacy will influence a group’s goal setting, their collective efforts as well as their persistence when barriers arise. A highly efficacious team of teachers will, therefore, be more convinced of their ability to materialize innovative projects or to cope with budget cuts and other adversities. In addition, they will not easily be discouraged by setbacks.
There are several ways to assess this construct. We chose the individual as the unit of data collection so that the items can easily be mixed with the items of other scales without confusion for the respondents. Thus, the items ask for an individual's perception of the coping competence of his or her reference group.
The development of a General Collective Self-Efficacy scale for the assessment of collective beliefs that are not restricted to educators is currently being planned.
Cronbach's alpha in two samples (each about N = 300) of German teachers, who were participating in the nationwide innovative school project Self-Efficacious Schools, was found to be .91, and .92, respectively. Test-retest reliability resulted in .77 (N = 197) for the period of one year.
Collective Teacher Self–Efficacy showed high associations with the quality of social relationships among collegues. Associations with General and Teacher Self-Efficacy revealed just a moderate overlap between these three constructs (shared variance about 23% to 37%). Still the pattern of associations between Collective Teacher Self-Efficacy and other variables followed the pattern of the General and the individual Teacher Self-Efficacy; an indication of convergent validity. Moreover it was found that one sixth of the longitudinal teacher sample is clearly oriented either individually or collectively with regard to their self-efficacy beliefs, emphazising the unique contribution this scale can provide.
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