Ralf Schwarzer, Gerdamarie S. Schmitz, & Manfred Diehl, 2000
- It is often days before I get around to doing things that I wanted to do right away.
- I begin each day with a clear picture of what I want to achieve for that day. (–)
- I frequently complete tasks earlier than is required. (–)
- I often take on things which I then end up not doing.
- When it comes to putting my plans into action I am disciplined. (–)
- Tasks that still have not been completed worry me.
- I manage to organize my day in such a way that by evening I feel I have carried out the most important jobs. (–)
- I don't allow the most important things in my life to become "buried" in everday stress. (–)
- I often have a guilty conscience because I know that I put things off.
- If I have written a letter, it can sometimes be lying around for days before I mail it.
Note: (–) indicates the item has to be reversed.
Response format: (1) not at all true, (2) barely true, (3) moderately true, (4) exactly true
This test may only be used by scientists or for private purpose.
In a sample of N = 111 subjects the mean was found to be M = 25.70, SD = 4.72. The scale yielded a Cronbach’s Alpha of .72.
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